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B'makom: Rabbi Jana Shares Her Thoughts

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In Place

I call this blog "B'makom," which means, "in place." As I begin this Blog we are each obligated to stay in place - in order to protect ourselves and each other.  Since Hebrew does not have indefinite articles (like the little word "a"), it also means "in a place." I took it from a song about a quote from Rabbi Hillel. I learned the song during my teen-age NFTY conclaves. I love that song (and I really like Michael Isaacson...Read more...

It's About Time

From Rabbi Jana and Sam Silverblatt:

Do you have the time?

How do you answer that? Sometimes it is a question about what time it is now. Sometimes it is about asking if you can take time to do something.

At B’nai Zion we have been taking time to think about how we use our time. By “us” we mean: the Rabbi, the congregation, the...Read more...

Wondering:Worthy Causes

An adult student of mine let me know that during the pandemic they were receiving a little over $280 in SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits, but as of March 1 the pandemic "extra" has ended and she now will be receiving a little less than $80. 

You know that tzedakah is a mitzvah, and in this case that means that not only is it a "good deed" to help others who are in need of basic necessitites, it is a...Read more...

Wondering: New Year / New You

It has been awhile since I have sat down to write a Wondering question. I am always wondering, but I don't always get to write them down and send them. 

This week I am wondering about how we see the "secular new year" differently than the Jewish New Year. Is the beginning of 2023 going to make me think differently about myself and my "resolutions" than the beginning of 5783?

Some things are similar: I guess we have noise...

Wondering: Please let me know about your High Holy Days plans FIXED LINK for FORM

Although we have been told that Passover is the holy day that more Jews observe than any other (besides Shabbat?), I feel like most Jewish families do something for the High Holy Days as well. It is obvious that the Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services are better attended at B'nai Zion (and probably every synagogue) than any other regular service during the year.

Rosh HaShanah Evening service at B'nai Zion consistently has had the...Read more...

Wondering: Please let me know about your High Holy Days plans

Although we have been told that Passover is the holy day that more Jews observe than any other (besides Shabbat?), I feel like most Jewish families do something for the High Holy Days as well. It is obvious that the Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services are better attended at B'nai Zion (and probably every synagogue) than any other regular service during the year.

Rosh HaShanah Evening service at B'nai Zion consistently has had the...Read more...

Wondering: New Name for Our Religious School

Students and staff of our Religious School thought it would be cool to have t-shirts for our school. That made us think that maybe we could use a name that is "cooler" than "Religious School." That name doesn't reflect the aspects of Jewish education and learning that make our school what it is.

Over the years it has been called other things: "Saturday School" (but it has been a long time since we met on Saturday mornings), and then...Read more...

About Doing Jewish Things

The Jewish High Holy Days begin in about a month. During the month of Elul, we traditionally start to get introspective about the kind of person we are. We are not just supposed to think about the Jewish things we do and how those things influence who we are. However this week I am wondering about what is your favorite Jewish thing to do. Is there a special mitzvah that you try to do? Is it something about the choices you make? Also: is...Read more...

Wondering: Update about Cousin from Ukraine and new Wondering About Safety

First, I wanted to let you know that my cousin who was living in the Ukraine is in the United States! You can go to the Wonderings page about the Ukraine (CLICK HERE) for the updates. I post the newest information on the top of the entries. 

The newest Wondering is about Safety concerns:

Hopefully you are seeing that B'nai Zion is offering many options...Read more...

Wondering: About Your Favorite Jewish Song(s)

It has been wonderful to have "guest cantorial soloists" these few weeks while Adam is performing in the Shreveport Little Theatre play. You are welcome to join us in-person for this Friday evening's guest soloist - Ivy, or you can watch the ones with Alyx from previous weeks (and the one with Ivy from this week) on the B'nai Zion YouTube channel. Working with these singers make me...Read more...

Wondering: About Freedom

I stopped writing the Wonderings for awhile for a few reasons, but I really appreciated the opportunity to hear what congregants think about specific topics, so I will try to pose more wonderings again. I have so many questions I would like to discuss with you that I could pose them every day, but will try to keep them to about once a week still. I would also like to hear which topics you would like me to "wonder about." 

Recently I...

Wondering: About When Everything Changes

There are moments when our lives change so drastically that life no longer feels familiar. Sometimes these are temporary changes, like if you get sick, and can't tend to your every-day tasks, but then you recuperate, and eventually you barely remember having to take "time off" (let alone how bad you felt). Sometimes there are anticipated major changes, like getting married, or having a baby, or starting a new job. Sometimes the changes were...Read more...

Wondering: About Freedom

Passover begins two weeks from tonight. It is a holiday that is celebrated by more Jewish families than any other. It represents many things, but this year we are especially celebrating Spring and Freedom. The springtime brings us desires to be outdoors and enjoy the wonderful weather. There are birds and blossoms all around. Today is not only the first day of April, but tonight begins the first day of the "Month of Spring" on the Jewish...Read more...

Wondering: About Purim

This coming week we celebrate Purim. At B'nai Zion we will have a Purim Carnival Sunday, March 13 (thanks to the Jewish Federation of North Louisiana for sponsoring it), and we have Purim Shabbat service next Friday, March 18. Purim is a wonderfully joyful holiday. I love hamantaschen, seeing everyone in costumes, and the fun and creative ways we retell the story in "the Megillah," also known as the "Book of Esther."

When I was...

Wondering: About Being Happy

This week we celebrate the new month of Adar II (also known as "Adar Bet" for the second letter of the aleph-bet, which represents the number 2). We are taught that when "Adar enters, joy enters." Obviously not everything has been joyful during Adar I, and not everything will be joyful during Adar II, and some of these things we have no control over. However, we are...Read more...

Wondering: What About Ukraine?

This week I am wondering about what have you heard that we can do to help those in the Ukraine.

I have an American cousin who lives in Ukraine. He teaches English. As of today, he is still there. 

First thing this morning I got two emails from congregants about the situation there. One person wanted to know a prayer to say. The other person wanted to know what we can do to help. Throughout the day I have seen prayers -...Read more...

Wondering: What About a Congregational Seder?

This week I am wondering about our Congregational Seder. Would you consider coming to a Congregational Seder at B'nai Zion? The first Seder is Friday, April 15. The Sisterhood is willing to make it happen. We would like to know how much of an interest there is. We need to begin planning now - so please let us know as soon as you can.

This week I am wondering: What you think about us having a Seder together this year. What is the...Read more...

Wondering: What are Your Favorite Memories about Bethany Sorkey and her Family? DEADLINE 2/16

This week I am wondering about how to show our appreciation to Bethany Sorkey and her family. Bethany and Alan will be moving soon. We of course plan to have a big party to show our appreciation for all that she has done for the Jewish community - but while we are still in the pandemic, and before they leave, we will honor them during Shabbat services NEXT WEEK (6pm Friday, February 18, 2022 in-person or watch on YouTube). 

We would...

Wondering: What About Testing Faith

This week I am wondering about tests and about faith. I had students who told me that they had to take surprise tests in school. It was stressful for them - and apparently no one did well on them. I love to learn, but I do not love taking tests. There are strategies for studying that including trying to get ahead of what the teacher will teach (read the chapter before the teacher teaches), and at the other side of the study spectrum is...Read more...

REGISTER LINK FIXED: Learn what to do during an emergency - free training Thursday

The Secure Community Network (SCN) is the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America. Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker from Colleyville, TX had training sessions with them, which helped him survive the hostage situation. The B'nai Zion Security Committee and Board feel that training and preparation are important steps for our protection.

Sign up for a free training session this week:
SCN's next...

Learn what to do during an emergency - free training Thursday

The Secure Community Network (SCN) is the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America. Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker from Colleyville, TX had training sessions with them, which helped him survive the hostage situation. The B'nai Zion Security Committee and Board feel that training and preparation are important steps for our protection.

Sign up for a free training session this week:
SCN's next...

Wondering: What About Sanctuary?

This week I am especially thinking about what it means to be a Jewish community, and what it means to have a sanctuary. It does not feel long ago, but it was in 2014, when we dedicated a newly renovated sanctuary. Almost everyone in the congregation (and some people who think of themselves as friends of the congregation) contributed to our sanctuary effort.

Usually when we think of our sanctuary, it means our "sacred space" where we...Read more...

Wondering: What About COVID?

Trying to keep the congregation safe during a pandemic is one of the most difficult and stressful things I have ever experienced. The amount of information online is overwhelming  - and often not very clear. Some people are making decisions based on what is best for others, but some people are thinking about what they think is best for them. For most people, those two attitudes produce the same results. I get frustrated when those two...Read more...

Wondering: What are your memories from 2021? What do you look forward to in 2022?

The year 2020 was marked by the beginning of the pandemic, and shut downs. I remember a joke from the beginning of 2021 talking about what to look forward to - actually, I don't remember it exactly, but it was something like: 2020 was terrible, then 2021 (twenty-twenty won), and 2022 (twenty-twenty too). Here we are at the end of 2021, getting to look back at what won for us. What do we remember from 2021? What do we look forward to in...Read more...

Wondering: What Do You Do About Christmas?

It probably would not surprise you to know that my family does not have a tradition of having Christmas trees in our house. When I was young, I did visit with my Christian friends, and enjoyed helping to "trim" their trees. My siblings married non-Jews, and have had...Read more...

Wondering: Who Am I Going to Call?

There are times when I need to know who to call about you. It would be helpful to have a record for each congregant that includes the details I will need to call in important situations. Also, your primary contact needs to know to get in touch with me. 

It used to be that if, G-d forbid, someone was in the hospital, I could call the operator there and ask something like, "Got any Jews?" For many years now the only way I can know if...Read more...

Wondering: What Kind of Techno-Jew are You?

My grandmother used to say that the phone is there for your convenience - you do not have to be there for the convenience of the phone. Can you believe that there was a time when I did not want a smart phone, because I did not want email and phone calls to find me 24/7? 

Now technology is part of almost everything we do. I am glad that I have a smart phone that can tell me the time, and the weather, and people's birthdays, and keeps...Read more...

Wondering: Did Jew Know?

A number of years ago I had a column in the bulletin that I called "Did Jew Know?" It included a variety of challenging questions about Jewish things. For example, I would put pictures of Jewish ritual items that people may not have seen before, or details about Jewish life that few people might know. 

Recently congregants have asked me questions about Jewish life that made me think that perhaps there are topics about Jewish...Read more...

Wondering about Jewish Heroes

The first night of Hanukkah is November 28 - just a few days after Thanksgiving! 

I spoke about Hanukkah today for a recording of the program "About Faith" which will air on Red River Radio later this month. Actually, there is one I am on about "Grateful Heart" that will air 1pm Sunday, November 7, and the one I recorded today will air 1pm Sunday, November 21. Today's program included Father Jason Foster (an Orthodox priest) who...Read more...

Wondering about Antisemitism

I do not like to even think about Antisemitism. I certainly do not like to hear the news in the Jewish press pointing out how it is increasing exponentially in recent years. 

A few things have influenced me to be Wondering about Antisemitism now. This week marked the third anniversary of the shootings and murders of 11 people who were worshiping in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. The killer said, "Jews need to die." We are told that it...Read more...

Wondering about Arguing with G-d

This week I am wondering: What makes you argue with G-d? Are there times when you challenge G-d? Do you think that G-d challenges you?

In the Torah portion this week, we read about Abraham challenging G-d when G-d is about to destroy cities. We also seem to see Abraham not challenging G-d when asked to sacrifice his son. 

I love that the Torah gives us examples of situations when people seem to "argue with" G-d. I appreciate...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784