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Confirmation at B'nai Zion

Confirmation in the Jewish tradition was originated in the Reform Movement. It is a ceremony for teens that is tied to the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. It constitutes an individual and group affirmation of commitment to the Jewish people. Confirmation, one of the “youngest” Jewish lifecycle ceremonies, began less than 200 years ago. The first recorded confirmation in North America was held in 1846. In 1927, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the professional organization of North America’s Reform rabbis, recommended confirmation as a movement-wide practice.

One of the favorite things to see for visitors of B'nai Zion synagogue in Shreveport is the long hall with pictures of Confirmation classes dating back to 1917.  In many cases for families raised in Shreveport, there are many generations of family members represented in the pictures.

Most students will have been attending Religious School since they were three years old. This service is an awesome and meaningful way for the students to "confirm" their commitment to being Jewish. The students create and lead their own Shavuot service.  It is extremely meaningful to celebrate their commitment to Judaism on the holy day that we commemorate receiving the Law. 

B'nai Zion began streaming and recording services when their current building did a renovation of the sanctuary in 2014. The Confirmation services since 2015 are available for viewing at the B'nai Zion YouTube channel's Confirmation Services PLAYLIST

Please check the B'nai Zion Calendar to see when this year's Confirmation/Shavuot service will be. Please join us. Following the service we have refreshments and a time for visiting and celebrating with the Confirmands and their families. 

[Current Confirmation Class Private Link]

1927 Confirmation Service

1927 Service Handout


2024 Confirmation Service Video
2024 Confirmation Service Booklet

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785