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High Holy Day Flowers Donation Form

One of the most beloved aspects of the High Holy Days are the magnificent flower arrangements that beautify our Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur worship services, whether they are in the Lefkowitz Hall or the Sanctuary.

To make a donation in memory of or honor of a person or event and help defray the cost of the flowers, please complete this form:

If you are a congregant, we recommend logging-in to your account on the ShulCloud member portal BEFORE you complete this form. Once logged-in, you can access payment methods already associated with your account or add the billing to your account. You can log-in using the link in the upper-right of your screen.

Flower donations are read for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
Please choose when you want these names to be read. 
This may include: how to pronounce an unusual name; specify which services to read which names (for example, only read names Rosh HaShanah, or read these specific names Rosh HaShanah and these other names for Yom Kippur; etc. 

The announcement will be something like:

Donations were made to the B'nai Zion Sisterhood Flower Fund

In Honor of 
Rabbi Jana for her birthday from Her family


In Loving Memory of
Avraham Avinu from Kathy Plante

Note that there is a FOR and a FROM. Please include that information here: 
Honoring or Remembering:
Dedication is From:

($18 minimum suggested per listing)
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785