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Make a lot of noise by shaking the Gragger when you are on Haman or Hamantashen.
Lose points by shaking the gragger at the wrong times.
Eliminate as many Hamans as you can.
Gather as many Hamantashen as you can to "share as sh'lach manot."
Avoid as many good characters as you can.

Click the mouse to move the gragger. Swipe while clicking to spin the gragger.

Your gragger disappears a little more each time you make a gragger mistake.
Too many mistakes will end the game. 

These are the characters from this year's Pandemic Purim Schpiel (Watch the Schpiel HERE):
 King Toilet Paper       Queen Pajamashti       Guards

 Maskechai               Pfizther            Hamandemic

Music was from Esther and the Wolf Purim Schpiel - watch HERE.

Gragger-naut was created and programmed by Ron

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785