Sukkot & Simchat Torah
5782 / 2021 Sukkot & Simchat Torah Schedule of Events GO TO LULAV SHAKE
- 5pm Sunday, September 19 - Decorate the outdoor sukkah and the indoor sukkah. You are welcome to shake the lulav while you are in-person (wear a mask) at B'nai Zion
- 10am Tuesday, September 21 - Morning service in the Sukkah (wear a mask) and on Zoom OFFICE IS CLOSED ALL DAY
- 6pm Friday, September 24 - Sukkot, Simchat Torah service (will include Yizkor): Shake lulav; hear beginning and end of Torah; Yizkor; and more!
- 10am Saturday, September 25 - Bat Mitzvah at Agudath Achim
- 10am Sunday, September 26 - Tour-a-Torah Event Simchat Torah Experience at Agudath Achim (includes walking through posters with synopses of entire Torah; Consecration)
- 10am Tuesday, September 28 - Morning service for Simchat Torah / Shemini Atzeret / Yizkor in Lefkowitz Hall (wear a mask) and on Zoom OFFICE IS CLOSED ALL DAY
LULAV SHAKE APP - Help Rabbi Jana shake the Lulav:
NEW> Do the LULAV SHAKE with Rabbi Jana
Flip the Etrog / Shake the Lulav
Hag Sameah!
If there is a problem with the program CLICK HERE
to play it on HebrewDoc.
Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784