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Sukkot & Simchat Torah

Sukkot & Simchat Torah Events at B'nai Zion (go to the Events or Calendar pages to find specific details for this year)

 GO TO LULAV SHAKE - Rabbi Jana shakes the Lulav

  • Build the Sukkah (outdoor and in-door)
  • Decorate the Sukkot  (outdoor and indoor)
  • Morning Service - eat in the Sukkah and Shake the Lulav
  • Shabbat Evening with Oneg Shabbat in the Sukkah - eat in the Sukkah and Shake the Lulav
  • Simchat Torah (Friday evening celebration including Consecration)
  • Sukkot Shabbat Morning - on Zoom 
  • Sukkot final day including Simchat Torah and Yizkor
  • Office will be closed on the first and last days of the week of Sukkot
  • Take down the Sukkah decorations and the Sukkot

LULAV SHAKE APP - Help Rabbi Jana shake the Lulav:

NEW> Do the LULAV SHAKE with Rabbi Jana
Flip the Etrog / Shake the Lulav
Hag Sameah!

If there is a problem with the program CLICK HERE
to play it on HebrewDoc.

Fri, January 24 2025 24 Tevet 5785