High Holy Day Resources
If you are looking for a creative and fresh ways to celebrate the High Holy Days, try (Click on the Logos):
to Learn to Read Hebrew
Rabbi Jana teaches the
Aleph Bet using
Yom Kippur Viddui
The Yom Kippur Viddui is an alphabetical acrostic. Learn the letters or read the prayer more fluently at Rabbi Jana's
HebrewDoc website.
Elul Inspirations
The first day of Elul is
Monday, August 9
for Rabbi Jordan Braunig's
Elul Prompts
"We have much soul searching to do, both as individuals and as a society, and my hope is that the coming month will afford us time for introspection and growth."
Rabbi Jordan Braunig will send you a prompt a day during Elul, the Jewish month leading up to the High Holy Days.
(High Holy Day
Prayer Books)
The Reform Movement has versions of their Machzorim to use online for free or buy (electronic or hard copy). B'nai Zion can also lend you books to use throughout the Holy Days. The B'nai Zion services will have all of the words on screen.
CLICK HERE to go to the CCAR page with all Reform Machzor options.
Read to get Ready
Reading suggestions:
This is Real and You are Completely Unprepared:
There are times in life when we are caught utterly unprepared: a death in the family, ...a health crisis. These are the times when ... we stumble back to our faith.
The Days of Awe encompass the weeks preceding Rosh Hashanah and continue through Yom Kippur. It is a period in which Jews take part in a series of rituals and prayers that reenact the journey of the soul through the world from birth to death. This is a period of contemplation and repentance.
CLICK HERE to enjoy many songs and prayers from the services as sung by cantors of the ACC (American Conference of Cantors).
CLICK HERE to watch a video "Exploring the Mystery of Kol Nidre"
CLICK HERE for A Selichot Service 5781-2020. Led by many of the Reform Movement's Rabbis and Cantors, it provides meaningful reflection, song, and prayers from Mishkan HaLev, a Siddur for Selichot, as well as a visual ritual for changing of the Torah Mantles to white for our sacred days.
CLICK HERE for ten videos for the Ten Days of Repentance from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
CLICK HERE for Rabbi Jana's favorite High Holy Day Videos