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Jazzy Purim Shabbat 2023 5783

This was a wonderful night! Rabbi Jana celebrated her birthday, and her siblings (Erik, Scott, and Marya Lawrence) came and helped provide the jazzy music for the service. It was also Simcha Shabbat when we celebrate with, bless, and honor everyone with birthdays or anniversaries in March. AND we were celebrating Purim, so there are two creative Purim Schpiels as part of the service. HERE are the details about the service.

Watch the entire service from March 3, 2023 by clicking HERE.  (See below to watch parts of the service.)

Read the pdf of the service with all the words to the songs and prayers HERE,  and read the brief ChatGPT that was a core of the Purim Schpiel HERE (the rest was created by Rabbi Jana and her siblings).

Max streamed the service, and then separated each special musical piece into its own video, so that it is easier to go back to your favorites. If you promise to remember that we did not get to rehearse, and if you promise not to notice anything that wasn't quite right, please enjoy these musical pieces by Rabbi Jana and the Musical Lawrence Siblings: Erik (sax), Scott (trumpet), Marya (vocals).

Each musical selection represented a different part of the Shabbat Evening service. Currently the only way to access these videos are through these links from this page. They were presented in this order for the service:

Sabbath Prayer

Candle & Kiddush Blessings


Ac-cen-tu-ate the Positive

Look Toward the Day of Man's Awakening (Children of G-d)

I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free

Silent Meditation: Improvised Inspiration

Yihyu L'ratzon / May the Words of My Mouth


Bei Mir Bistu Shein

Purim Rap by the Hebrew Class

Jazzy Noir Purim Schpiel in Black and White

Jazzy Noir Purim Schpiel in Color


Pennies from Heaven

Eli Eli

Sunny Side of the Street

Y'varechecha - Priestly Blessing (with Bernard Lobel)

Bless This House


Fri, May 10 2024 2 Iyar 5784