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Yizkor Names from Previous Years

Go to the list from: 5784   5783    5782    5781     5780

B'nai Zion will have Yizkor services on Yom Kippur, at the end of Sukkot, at the end of Passover, and on Shavuot.

There is a Jewish tradition to light a Memorial candle (also called a Yahrzeit or Yizkor candle) at your home on the Yahrzeit (anniversary of the death) of your loved one and also on the evening of the four Holy Days when we observe Yizkor. When you light a Yizkor candle, remember to light it before the Yom Tov candles. Some people choose to light battery-operated or electric Yizkor/Yahrzeit candles. The B'nai Zion Sisterhood Gift Shop usually has a variety of candles in stock. They can also often be found in supermarkets where kosher foods are found.

Please check the B'nai Zion Calendar or Events listing for details about attending or watching the service.

All Memorial Plaques at B'nai Zion are lit for all Yizkor services and the Yahrzeit week / the anniversary of the death.

CLICK HERE to go to the Memorial Plaque Order Form. 

The B'nai Zion Memorial Book will be used for each of the Yizkor services, beginning with Yom Kippur.

All Yizkor names of people who were connected to B'nai Zion who died since last Rosh HaShanah are included in the Memorial Book. (Please check the Yizkor list below to see if we included everyone.)

CLICK HERE to go to the Memorial Book Page.

We are in the process of adding more Yizkor lists to this page below, and intend to include all appropriate obituaries. Thank you for your patience - and your help in identifying any names or obituaries we are missing.

Current Year

Yizkor Names 5784

 These are the people connected to B'nai Zion Congregation
who died during the Jewish year 5784 (2023-2024)
(Click an underlined name to see the obituary, when available):

Curtis F. Anderson

Sammy Frank Anderson

Donna "Foxy" Renaud Aron

Audrey M Aronstein Jr.

Ann Klumok Bennett

Bernie Chernick

Esther Lipsen Coopersmith

James Crowder

Franco De Benedetti

Norman Roy Lepow

Fred Alfred Miller

Jack Mills

Amy Morris

Nettie Campbell Nuckolls

Stephen G. Parker, Sr. 

Kathy Rubenstein

Peggy Shirley

Jo Ann  Silverblatt

Sherry Strausman

Fannye Walker


Yizkor Names 5783

These are the people connected to B'nai Zion Congregation who died
during the Jewish year 5783 (2022-2023)
(click on the name to see their obituary):


Jerome Harold Black

Lt. Col. Phillip R Blaufuss

Larry Courtney BoldKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+B

Charles Edward Crawford

Linda Leah Engelbert

Howard Finkelstein

Julius "Jay" Gamm

Jacques Guigue

Helen Weisman Zeve Lansburgh

Ruth Lewis (Watch Funeral HERE)

Gerrie Miller

Daryl Muslow (Watch Funeral HERE)

Ruthie Nierman (Watch Funeral HERE)

Dr. Susan Shavin (Watch Funeral HERE)

Herman Van Os




Yizkor Names 5782

These are the people connected to B'nai Zion Congregation who died
during the Jewish year 5782 (2021-2022)
(click on the name to see their obituary):

Carl Aron

Alan Michael Beychok

Linda Leah Engelbert

Bobette "Bobbye" Goodman

Bobby Gene Gray

Marcia Katzenstein 

Clare Gompertz Maisel

Gerel "Gerrie" Louise Shrader Miller

Ethel Hyman Schnitt

Carolyn Talbert



Yizkor Names 5781

These are the people connected to B'nai Zion Congregation who died
during the Jewish year 5781 (2020-2021)
(click on the name to see their obituary):

Annemarie Ain

Paul Aron

Dr. Carl Bernofsky

Robert Braunig

Henry Leon Brenner, Sr.

Lee Grossman

Todd Grossman

Maury Klumock

Jay Bock Lehmann

Sophia Greenberg Lepow

Maxine Greenstein Levine

Andrea Soppe Pacelli

Joseph Parris

Fred Phillips

Ardis Robison, II

George Rothkopf 

Jack Selber

Leonard Selber

Jean Stein

Robert Orlando Talbert

Joseph Urfis


Yizkor 5780

These are the people connected to B'nai Zion Congregation who died
during the Jewish year 5780
(click on the name to see their obituary):

Jeri Lyn Arnold

Abry Cahn, Jr.

Electra Churchill

Tommie Crowder

Johnnie Engelbert

Bertha Omega Bodenheimer Feldman

Mura Fitze

Louis Kariel, Jr.

Linda Kesilman

Theodora Willer Kranson

H. Joe Levy

Barbara Lipsen

Carolyn Murov

Ike Muslow, M.D.

Dean Thomas Pratt

Dr. David Saphier

Richard Schultz

Rachel Greenberg Rosenthal Selber

Gay Watson Shirley

Michael Lowell "Mickey" Shirley

Richard Hoyt "Skippy" Shirley
John Whittington

Donald Zadeck

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785